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The Draam

November 2024 saw Isle of Raasay Distillery's debut on the nation's tellyboxes, as their first ever TV campaign hit the air.


The ad announces the renaming of the company's Signature Single Malt, to 'THE DRAAM'. Working with this wonderful name, conceived several years previously by Scottish ad legend Jim Downie, we distilled (pun intended) the essence of the island and the distillery into a 30 second spot, complete with an intro voiceover by Raasay resident and Distillery mainstay Iain Hector Ross.


A number of product stills and short-form videos were produced to accompany the campaign, heroing the beautiful bottle design.

Client / 

Isle of Raasay Distillery

Role / 

Creative Direction, Film Direction & Post-Production

Agency / 

World Headquarters​


Year / 


The Draam - 30" TVC
The Draam - Product stills and videos
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